The most common causes of high blood pressure

There are many possible causes of high blood pressure but most have the same root: lifestyle. Learn the most common reasons for elevated blood pressure and see if you could adjust your lifestyle to improve your health.

What causes high blood pressure?


Food affects our overall health and our heart in particular. If your diet is too high in salt or cholesterol, your heart health might be affected. The great news is that even very small changes to your diet can yield big results. Our program will offer many helpful tips and tools on improving your diet.


Amount and quality of sleep can influence your eating habits, mood, memory, internal organs and more. Heart disease and sleep disorders are often bedmates. This is why quality of sleep is important for your heart.

Fitness level

Keeping fit and moving is good for your heart. Sedentary lifestyle needs to be offset by some kind of exercise but don’t worry, even a daily short walk can work wonders for your heart.


Stress happens, especially these days. While you may feel too busy to de-stress you can decide to take back your “me time”, one moment at a time. It’s important to reduce stress for a healthier version of you.

Smoking, drugs

Tobacco, vaping, nicotine, drugs all increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. If you are not ready to quit completely, try reducing individual doses or aim for longer pauses between consumption. Remember, every little step helps.

Did you recognize habits affecting your health? It’s never too late to change a course and it's never all or nothing. Even small improvements can decrease the risk of more serious heart problems later on.

Good to know

Our heart health coaching series will not only tell you more about heart health, we will also provide useful tips and tools so you can act on the information you receive.

Nothing in this article should be considered medical advice. Ask your doctor if you have any questions. In a case of medical emergency call 911.

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